[suggest] [sugess] cacti-0.8.7g with patchs and PIAv2.9
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-02-28 22:08:19 UTC
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm because the
cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
The sources are the same: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Architecture 2.9:

Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff

The installation process is as follows:


yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli php-ldap
php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin

yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET
utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e "CREATE USER 'cactiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart

I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.
-------------- next part --------------
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Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-02-28 22:08:19 UTC
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm because the
cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
The sources are the same: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Architecture 2.9:

Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff

The installation process is as follows:


yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli php-ldap
php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin

yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET
utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e "CREATE USER 'cactiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart

I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.
-------------- next part --------------
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Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-02-28 22:08:19 UTC
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm because the
cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
The sources are the same: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Architecture 2.9:

Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff

The installation process is as follows:


yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli php-ldap
php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin

yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET
utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e "CREATE USER 'cactiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart

I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.
-------------- next part --------------
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URL: http://lists.repoforge.org/pipermail/users/attachments/20110228/a3ee28f2/attachment-0002.html
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-02-28 22:08:19 UTC
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm because the
cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
The sources are the same: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Architecture 2.9:

Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff

The installation process is as follows:


yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli php-ldap
php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin

yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET
utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e "CREATE USER 'cactiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart

I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.
-------------- next part --------------
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URL: http://lists.repoforge.org/pipermail/users/attachments/20110228/a3ee28f2/attachment-0003.html
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-02-28 22:08:19 UTC
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm because the
cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
The sources are the same: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Architecture 2.9:

Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff

The installation process is as follows:


yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli php-ldap
php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin

yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET
utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e "CREATE USER 'cactiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart

I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.
-------------- next part --------------
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URL: <http://lists.repoforge.org/pipermail/users/attachments/20110228/a3ee28f2/attachment-0004.html>
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 06:56:52 UTC
I uploaded the spec and diff files into another site:

Spec: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff

This site not have restrictions

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: [sugess] cacti-0.8.7g with patchs and PIAv2.9
De: Fernando Herrero Peletero <alpharpm at gmail.com>
Para: suggest at lists.rpmforge.net
Fecha: 28 De Febrero De 2011 23:08:19
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm
because the cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli
php-ldap php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin
yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart
I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-30 08:27:44 UTC

I checked out your changes. What exactly does "not work well" on your
installation with the package we provide?

As far as I understand you squashed all the patches provided by cacti
into one, which we don't want to do, because when they will put out a
new patch we will have to do it again instead of just adding it to the
patch list.

In what concerns PIA it might be worthwhile to add, but what plugins are
you using more exactly? I had a brief look here:


and couldn't find anything particularly interesting.
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
Spec: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
This site not have restrictions
-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: [sugess] cacti-0.8.7g with patchs and PIAv2.9
De: Fernando Herrero Peletero <alpharpm at gmail.com>
Para: suggest at lists.rpmforge.net
Fecha: 28 De Febrero De 2011 23:08:19
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm
because the cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli
php-ldap php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin
yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart
I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 13:29:41 UTC

My spec apply these patches:
#Patch2: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/graph_list_view.patch
#Patch3: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/html_output.patch
#Patch6: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/ping.patch (new)
http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/poller_interval.patch (new)
http://www.cacti.net/downloads/pia/cacti-plugin-0.8.7g-PA-v2.9.diff (new)

I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA.

The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for install

For find plugins you can view the forums http://forums.cacti.net/ ...
some are very interesting as Nagios Plugin for Cacti (NPC):
Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
I checked out your changes. What exactly does "not work well" on your
installation with the package we provide?
As far as I understand you squashed all the patches provided by cacti
into one, which we don't want to do, because when they will put out a
new patch we will have to do it again instead of just adding it to the
patch list.
In what concerns PIA it might be worthwhile to add, but what plugins are
and couldn't find anything particularly interesting.
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-30 14:37:18 UTC

Hi Dag!

Could you please rebuild cacti for el5- ? Latest version is only built
for el6, which is apparently the reason for confusion.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA. The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for
install plugins.
I see. It is very annoying that they don't provide diff & sql online
bundling it into one huge package with changed files instead. I will
look into adding it. Some day :-)

I asked on the IRC, but it appears there are no admins in there...
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 18:48:52 UTC
My "diff" file was created using the following method:
1. Seven official patches applied to the original source
2. I applied the diff file of the PIA 2.9
3. I added to cacti.sql the code of pa.sql
4. I ran diff the results obtained with respect to the original source.

Why did this instead of applying the patches from the spec?
1. Pa.sql file was not created.
2. If the package included the IPA, why have the pa.sql? It was more
logical join the cacti.sql and pa.sql.
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
Hi Dag!
Could you please rebuild cacti for el5- ? Latest version is only built
for el6, which is apparently the reason for confusion.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA. The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for
install plugins.
I see. It is very annoying that they don't provide diff& sql online
bundling it into one huge package with changed files instead. I will
look into adding it. Some day :-)
I asked on the IRC, but it appears there are no admins in there...
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-31 18:14:06 UTC
I understand. I don't like squashing patches and modifying upstream
sources though.

I think they should publish PIA patches / SQL separately, so that I can
easily bundle it into the RPM, instead of distributing one huge archive.

It would really help if you could bring this up with Cacti developers.
As I said, I tried IRC, but didn't have time to follow up on that.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
I answered exactly the same question here yesterday...
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-04-01 09:19:28 UTC
I also like to maintain the integrity of the original sources and
patches. But my limited knowledge prevented me from creating rpm to get
the result I wanted.

I think the PIA should already be built and not as a patch or added. I
would also create a good solution for the cacti rpm without PIA. And
create another rpm to add the PIA.
For example:

If I had enough knowledge myself I would.

It would also be advisable to include a message with a few instructions,
such as the creation of the database:

mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET
utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e "CREATE USER 'cactiuser'@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql

Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
I understand. I don't like squashing patches and modifying upstream
sources though.
I think they should publish PIA patches / SQL separately, so that I can
easily bundle it into the RPM, instead of distributing one huge archive.
It would really help if you could bring this up with Cacti developers.
As I said, I tried IRC, but didn't have time to follow up on that.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
I answered exactly the same question here yesterday...
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-04-01 09:19:28 UTC
I also like to maintain the integrity of the original sources and
patches. But my limited knowledge prevented me from creating rpm to get
the result I wanted.

I think the PIA should already be built and not as a patch or added. I
would also create a good solution for the cacti rpm without PIA. And
create another rpm to add the PIA.
For example:

If I had enough knowledge myself I would.

It would also be advisable to include a message with a few instructions,
such as the creation of the database:

mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET
utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e "CREATE USER 'cactiuser'@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql

Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
I understand. I don't like squashing patches and modifying upstream
sources though.
I think they should publish PIA patches / SQL separately, so that I can
easily bundle it into the RPM, instead of distributing one huge archive.
It would really help if you could bring this up with Cacti developers.
As I said, I tried IRC, but didn't have time to follow up on that.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
I answered exactly the same question here yesterday...
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-04-01 09:19:28 UTC
I also like to maintain the integrity of the original sources and
patches. But my limited knowledge prevented me from creating rpm to get
the result I wanted.

I think the PIA should already be built and not as a patch or added. I
would also create a good solution for the cacti rpm without PIA. And
create another rpm to add the PIA.
For example:

If I had enough knowledge myself I would.

It would also be advisable to include a message with a few instructions,
such as the creation of the database:

mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET
utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e "CREATE USER 'cactiuser'@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql

Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
I understand. I don't like squashing patches and modifying upstream
sources though.
I think they should publish PIA patches / SQL separately, so that I can
easily bundle it into the RPM, instead of distributing one huge archive.
It would really help if you could bring this up with Cacti developers.
As I said, I tried IRC, but didn't have time to follow up on that.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
I answered exactly the same question here yesterday...
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-04-01 09:19:28 UTC
I also like to maintain the integrity of the original sources and
patches. But my limited knowledge prevented me from creating rpm to get
the result I wanted.

I think the PIA should already be built and not as a patch or added. I
would also create a good solution for the cacti rpm without PIA. And
create another rpm to add the PIA.
For example:

If I had enough knowledge myself I would.

It would also be advisable to include a message with a few instructions,
such as the creation of the database:

mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET
utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e "CREATE USER 'cactiuser'@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql

Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
I understand. I don't like squashing patches and modifying upstream
sources though.
I think they should publish PIA patches / SQL separately, so that I can
easily bundle it into the RPM, instead of distributing one huge archive.
It would really help if you could bring this up with Cacti developers.
As I said, I tried IRC, but didn't have time to follow up on that.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
I answered exactly the same question here yesterday...
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-04-01 09:19:28 UTC
I also like to maintain the integrity of the original sources and
patches. But my limited knowledge prevented me from creating rpm to get
the result I wanted.

I think the PIA should already be built and not as a patch or added. I
would also create a good solution for the cacti rpm without PIA. And
create another rpm to add the PIA.
For example:

If I had enough knowledge myself I would.

It would also be advisable to include a message with a few instructions,
such as the creation of the database:

mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET
utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e "CREATE USER 'cactiuser'@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql

Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
I understand. I don't like squashing patches and modifying upstream
sources though.
I think they should publish PIA patches / SQL separately, so that I can
easily bundle it into the RPM, instead of distributing one huge archive.
It would really help if you could bring this up with Cacti developers.
As I said, I tried IRC, but didn't have time to follow up on that.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
I answered exactly the same question here yesterday...
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-31 18:14:06 UTC
I understand. I don't like squashing patches and modifying upstream
sources though.

I think they should publish PIA patches / SQL separately, so that I can
easily bundle it into the RPM, instead of distributing one huge archive.

It would really help if you could bring this up with Cacti developers.
As I said, I tried IRC, but didn't have time to follow up on that.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
I answered exactly the same question here yesterday...
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-31 18:14:06 UTC
I understand. I don't like squashing patches and modifying upstream
sources though.

I think they should publish PIA patches / SQL separately, so that I can
easily bundle it into the RPM, instead of distributing one huge archive.

It would really help if you could bring this up with Cacti developers.
As I said, I tried IRC, but didn't have time to follow up on that.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
I answered exactly the same question here yesterday...
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-31 18:14:06 UTC
I understand. I don't like squashing patches and modifying upstream
sources though.

I think they should publish PIA patches / SQL separately, so that I can
easily bundle it into the RPM, instead of distributing one huge archive.

It would really help if you could bring this up with Cacti developers.
As I said, I tried IRC, but didn't have time to follow up on that.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
I answered exactly the same question here yesterday...
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-31 18:14:06 UTC
I understand. I don't like squashing patches and modifying upstream
sources though.

I think they should publish PIA patches / SQL separately, so that I can
easily bundle it into the RPM, instead of distributing one huge archive.

It would really help if you could bring this up with Cacti developers.
As I said, I tried IRC, but didn't have time to follow up on that.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
I answered exactly the same question here yesterday...
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 18:48:52 UTC
My "diff" file was created using the following method:
1. Seven official patches applied to the original source
2. I applied the diff file of the PIA 2.9
3. I added to cacti.sql the code of pa.sql
4. I ran diff the results obtained with respect to the original source.

Why did this instead of applying the patches from the spec?
1. Pa.sql file was not created.
2. If the package included the IPA, why have the pa.sql? It was more
logical join the cacti.sql and pa.sql.
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
Hi Dag!
Could you please rebuild cacti for el5- ? Latest version is only built
for el6, which is apparently the reason for confusion.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA. The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for
install plugins.
I see. It is very annoying that they don't provide diff& sql online
bundling it into one huge package with changed files instead. I will
look into adding it. Some day :-)
I asked on the IRC, but it appears there are no admins in there...
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 18:48:52 UTC
My "diff" file was created using the following method:
1. Seven official patches applied to the original source
2. I applied the diff file of the PIA 2.9
3. I added to cacti.sql the code of pa.sql
4. I ran diff the results obtained with respect to the original source.

Why did this instead of applying the patches from the spec?
1. Pa.sql file was not created.
2. If the package included the IPA, why have the pa.sql? It was more
logical join the cacti.sql and pa.sql.
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
Hi Dag!
Could you please rebuild cacti for el5- ? Latest version is only built
for el6, which is apparently the reason for confusion.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA. The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for
install plugins.
I see. It is very annoying that they don't provide diff& sql online
bundling it into one huge package with changed files instead. I will
look into adding it. Some day :-)
I asked on the IRC, but it appears there are no admins in there...
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 18:48:52 UTC
My "diff" file was created using the following method:
1. Seven official patches applied to the original source
2. I applied the diff file of the PIA 2.9
3. I added to cacti.sql the code of pa.sql
4. I ran diff the results obtained with respect to the original source.

Why did this instead of applying the patches from the spec?
1. Pa.sql file was not created.
2. If the package included the IPA, why have the pa.sql? It was more
logical join the cacti.sql and pa.sql.
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
Hi Dag!
Could you please rebuild cacti for el5- ? Latest version is only built
for el6, which is apparently the reason for confusion.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA. The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for
install plugins.
I see. It is very annoying that they don't provide diff& sql online
bundling it into one huge package with changed files instead. I will
look into adding it. Some day :-)
I asked on the IRC, but it appears there are no admins in there...
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 18:48:52 UTC
My "diff" file was created using the following method:
1. Seven official patches applied to the original source
2. I applied the diff file of the PIA 2.9
3. I added to cacti.sql the code of pa.sql
4. I ran diff the results obtained with respect to the original source.

Why did this instead of applying the patches from the spec?
1. Pa.sql file was not created.
2. If the package included the IPA, why have the pa.sql? It was more
logical join the cacti.sql and pa.sql.
3. # rpmbuild --rebuild cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
Instalando cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm
advertencia:usuario dag no existe - utilizando root
advertencia:grupo dag no existe - utilizando root
error: fall? el desempaquetado de archivos en
archivo/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz;4d937a4e: cpio: El
MD5 sum no coincide
error: cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm no puede ser instalado
Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
Hi Dag!
Could you please rebuild cacti for el5- ? Latest version is only built
for el6, which is apparently the reason for confusion.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA. The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for
install plugins.
I see. It is very annoying that they don't provide diff& sql online
bundling it into one huge package with changed files instead. I will
look into adding it. Some day :-)
I asked on the IRC, but it appears there are no admins in there...
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-30 14:37:18 UTC

Hi Dag!

Could you please rebuild cacti for el5- ? Latest version is only built
for el6, which is apparently the reason for confusion.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA. The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for
install plugins.
I see. It is very annoying that they don't provide diff & sql online
bundling it into one huge package with changed files instead. I will
look into adding it. Some day :-)

I asked on the IRC, but it appears there are no admins in there...
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-30 14:37:18 UTC

Hi Dag!

Could you please rebuild cacti for el5- ? Latest version is only built
for el6, which is apparently the reason for confusion.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA. The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for
install plugins.
I see. It is very annoying that they don't provide diff & sql online
bundling it into one huge package with changed files instead. I will
look into adding it. Some day :-)

I asked on the IRC, but it appears there are no admins in there...
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-30 14:37:18 UTC

Hi Dag!

Could you please rebuild cacti for el5- ? Latest version is only built
for el6, which is apparently the reason for confusion.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA. The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for
install plugins.
I see. It is very annoying that they don't provide diff & sql online
bundling it into one huge package with changed files instead. I will
look into adding it. Some day :-)

I asked on the IRC, but it appears there are no admins in there...
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-30 14:37:18 UTC

Hi Dag!

Could you please rebuild cacti for el5- ? Latest version is only built
for el6, which is apparently the reason for confusion.
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA. The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for
install plugins.
I see. It is very annoying that they don't provide diff & sql online
bundling it into one huge package with changed files instead. I will
look into adding it. Some day :-)

I asked on the IRC, but it appears there are no admins in there...
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 13:29:41 UTC

My spec apply these patches:
#Patch2: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/graph_list_view.patch
#Patch3: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/html_output.patch
#Patch6: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/ping.patch (new)
http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/poller_interval.patch (new)
http://www.cacti.net/downloads/pia/cacti-plugin-0.8.7g-PA-v2.9.diff (new)

I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA.

The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for install

For find plugins you can view the forums http://forums.cacti.net/ ...
some are very interesting as Nagios Plugin for Cacti (NPC):
Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
I checked out your changes. What exactly does "not work well" on your
installation with the package we provide?
As far as I understand you squashed all the patches provided by cacti
into one, which we don't want to do, because when they will put out a
new patch we will have to do it again instead of just adding it to the
patch list.
In what concerns PIA it might be worthwhile to add, but what plugins are
and couldn't find anything particularly interesting.
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 13:29:41 UTC

My spec apply these patches:
#Patch2: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/graph_list_view.patch
#Patch3: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/html_output.patch
#Patch6: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/ping.patch (new)
http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/poller_interval.patch (new)
http://www.cacti.net/downloads/pia/cacti-plugin-0.8.7g-PA-v2.9.diff (new)

I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA.

The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for install

For find plugins you can view the forums http://forums.cacti.net/ ...
some are very interesting as Nagios Plugin for Cacti (NPC):
Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
I checked out your changes. What exactly does "not work well" on your
installation with the package we provide?
As far as I understand you squashed all the patches provided by cacti
into one, which we don't want to do, because when they will put out a
new patch we will have to do it again instead of just adding it to the
patch list.
In what concerns PIA it might be worthwhile to add, but what plugins are
and couldn't find anything particularly interesting.
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 13:29:41 UTC

My spec apply these patches:
#Patch2: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/graph_list_view.patch
#Patch3: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/html_output.patch
#Patch6: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/ping.patch (new)
http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/poller_interval.patch (new)
http://www.cacti.net/downloads/pia/cacti-plugin-0.8.7g-PA-v2.9.diff (new)

I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA.

The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for install

For find plugins you can view the forums http://forums.cacti.net/ ...
some are very interesting as Nagios Plugin for Cacti (NPC):
Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
I checked out your changes. What exactly does "not work well" on your
installation with the package we provide?
As far as I understand you squashed all the patches provided by cacti
into one, which we don't want to do, because when they will put out a
new patch we will have to do it again instead of just adding it to the
patch list.
In what concerns PIA it might be worthwhile to add, but what plugins are
and couldn't find anything particularly interesting.
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 13:29:41 UTC

My spec apply these patches:
#Patch2: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/graph_list_view.patch
#Patch3: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/html_output.patch
#Patch6: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/ping.patch (new)
http://www.cacti.net/downloads/patches/0.8.7g/poller_interval.patch (new)
http://www.cacti.net/downloads/pia/cacti-plugin-0.8.7g-PA-v2.9.diff (new)

I just updated the patches applied, I added some new and also I added
the PIA.

The Plugin Architecture is not a plugin, but is required for install

For find plugins you can view the forums http://forums.cacti.net/ ...
some are very interesting as Nagios Plugin for Cacti (NPC):
Post by Yury V. Zaytsev
I checked out your changes. What exactly does "not work well" on your
installation with the package we provide?
As far as I understand you squashed all the patches provided by cacti
into one, which we don't want to do, because when they will put out a
new patch we will have to do it again instead of just adding it to the
patch list.
In what concerns PIA it might be worthwhile to add, but what plugins are
and couldn't find anything particularly interesting.
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-30 08:27:44 UTC

I checked out your changes. What exactly does "not work well" on your
installation with the package we provide?

As far as I understand you squashed all the patches provided by cacti
into one, which we don't want to do, because when they will put out a
new patch we will have to do it again instead of just adding it to the
patch list.

In what concerns PIA it might be worthwhile to add, but what plugins are
you using more exactly? I had a brief look here:


and couldn't find anything particularly interesting.
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
Spec: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
This site not have restrictions
-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: [sugess] cacti-0.8.7g with patchs and PIAv2.9
De: Fernando Herrero Peletero <alpharpm at gmail.com>
Para: suggest at lists.rpmforge.net
Fecha: 28 De Febrero De 2011 23:08:19
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm
because the cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli
php-ldap php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin
yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart
I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-30 08:27:44 UTC

I checked out your changes. What exactly does "not work well" on your
installation with the package we provide?

As far as I understand you squashed all the patches provided by cacti
into one, which we don't want to do, because when they will put out a
new patch we will have to do it again instead of just adding it to the
patch list.

In what concerns PIA it might be worthwhile to add, but what plugins are
you using more exactly? I had a brief look here:


and couldn't find anything particularly interesting.
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
Spec: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
This site not have restrictions
-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: [sugess] cacti-0.8.7g with patchs and PIAv2.9
De: Fernando Herrero Peletero <alpharpm at gmail.com>
Para: suggest at lists.rpmforge.net
Fecha: 28 De Febrero De 2011 23:08:19
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm
because the cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli
php-ldap php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin
yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart
I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-30 08:27:44 UTC

I checked out your changes. What exactly does "not work well" on your
installation with the package we provide?

As far as I understand you squashed all the patches provided by cacti
into one, which we don't want to do, because when they will put out a
new patch we will have to do it again instead of just adding it to the
patch list.

In what concerns PIA it might be worthwhile to add, but what plugins are
you using more exactly? I had a brief look here:


and couldn't find anything particularly interesting.
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
Spec: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
This site not have restrictions
-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: [sugess] cacti-0.8.7g with patchs and PIAv2.9
De: Fernando Herrero Peletero <alpharpm at gmail.com>
Para: suggest at lists.rpmforge.net
Fecha: 28 De Febrero De 2011 23:08:19
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm
because the cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli
php-ldap php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin
yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart
I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.
Yury V. Zaytsev
2011-03-30 08:27:44 UTC

I checked out your changes. What exactly does "not work well" on your
installation with the package we provide?

As far as I understand you squashed all the patches provided by cacti
into one, which we don't want to do, because when they will put out a
new patch we will have to do it again instead of just adding it to the
patch list.

In what concerns PIA it might be worthwhile to add, but what plugins are
you using more exactly? I had a brief look here:


and couldn't find anything particularly interesting.
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
Spec: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
This site not have restrictions
-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: [sugess] cacti-0.8.7g with patchs and PIAv2.9
De: Fernando Herrero Peletero <alpharpm at gmail.com>
Para: suggest at lists.rpmforge.net
Fecha: 28 De Febrero De 2011 23:08:19
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm
because the cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli
php-ldap php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin
yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart
I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 06:56:52 UTC
I uploaded the spec and diff files into another site:

Spec: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff

This site not have restrictions

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: [sugess] cacti-0.8.7g with patchs and PIAv2.9
De: Fernando Herrero Peletero <alpharpm at gmail.com>
Para: suggest at lists.rpmforge.net
Fecha: 28 De Febrero De 2011 23:08:19
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm
because the cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli
php-ldap php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin
yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart
I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 06:56:52 UTC
I uploaded the spec and diff files into another site:

Spec: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff

This site not have restrictions

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: [sugess] cacti-0.8.7g with patchs and PIAv2.9
De: Fernando Herrero Peletero <alpharpm at gmail.com>
Para: suggest at lists.rpmforge.net
Fecha: 28 De Febrero De 2011 23:08:19
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm
because the cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli
php-ldap php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin
yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart
I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 06:56:52 UTC
I uploaded the spec and diff files into another site:

Spec: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff

This site not have restrictions

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: [sugess] cacti-0.8.7g with patchs and PIAv2.9
De: Fernando Herrero Peletero <alpharpm at gmail.com>
Para: suggest at lists.rpmforge.net
Fecha: 28 De Febrero De 2011 23:08:19
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm
because the cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli
php-ldap php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin
yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart
I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.
Fernando Herrero Peletero
2011-03-30 06:56:52 UTC
I uploaded the spec and diff files into another site:

Spec: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://omega.xtreemhost.com/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff

This site not have restrictions

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: [sugess] cacti-0.8.7g with patchs and PIAv2.9
De: Fernando Herrero Peletero <alpharpm at gmail.com>
Para: suggest at lists.rpmforge.net
Fecha: 28 De Febrero De 2011 23:08:19
Post by Fernando Herrero Peletero
I created a new version of the package cacti-0.8.7g-2.rf.src.rpm
because the cacti-0.8.7g-3.rf.src.rpm not work well on my CentOS 5.5.
I created a diff file to apply all current patches and add the Plugin
Spec: http://artza.net/cacti.spec
Diff File: http://artza.net/cacti-0.8.7g-patched-PA-v2.9.diff
yum install -y httpd mysql-server php php-gd php-mysql php-cli
php-ldap php-snmp php-mbstring php-mcrypt rrdtool net-snmp-utils
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig snmpd on
service snmpd start
service mysqld start
service httpd start
mysqladmin -u root password dbadmin
yum cacti-0.8.7g-3_PIAv2.9.noarch.
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf (need to modify the directive "allow"
because only you can see from localhost)
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'CREATE DATABASE `cacti` DEFAULT CHARACTER
SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';"
mysql -u root -pdbadmin-e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `cacti` . * TO
mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser cacti < /var/www/cacti/cacti.sql
service httpd restart
I am Spanish and I helped the Google translation, sorry for my English.