[users] bug?! allegro-4.2.1-1.el6.rf.x86_64
Chris Syntichakis
2012-01-03 14:06:30 UTC

This is a bit strange....

I assume that this package contains the : liballeg.so.4.2
BUT after the installation there is no such file installed! (normally
should be installed under /usr/lib64)

thank you in advance


(CentOS 6.2_x64)
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Dag Wieers
2012-01-25 13:47:00 UTC
Post by Chris Syntichakis
This is a bit strange....
I assume that this package contains the : liballeg.so.4.2
BUT after the installation there is no such file installed! (normally
should be installed under /usr/lib64)
Your assumption is correct:

[root at lisse rpms]# rpm -qplv /dar/packages/allegro/allegro-4.2.1-1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm | grep liballeg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Nov 12 2010 /usr/lib64/liballeg.so.4.2 -> liballeg-4.2.1.so

It seems only the symlink is there, but not the actual library, which is
part of the allegro-devel. This is a very unusual setup, normally the
symlink is made the other way around and .so symlinks belong in the -devel

I will fix it, but this is an upstream problem IMO.

PS Could you please open an issue at http://github.com/repoforge next time ?

Thanks !
-- dag wieers, dag at wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/
-- dagit linux solutions, info at dagit.net, http://dagit.net/

[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]
Chris Syntichakis
2012-01-03 14:06:30 UTC

This is a bit strange....

I assume that this package contains the : liballeg.so.4.2
BUT after the installation there is no such file installed! (normally
should be installed under /usr/lib64)

thank you in advance


(CentOS 6.2_x64)
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Dag Wieers
2012-01-25 13:47:00 UTC
Post by Chris Syntichakis
This is a bit strange....
I assume that this package contains the : liballeg.so.4.2
BUT after the installation there is no such file installed! (normally
should be installed under /usr/lib64)
Your assumption is correct:

[root at lisse rpms]# rpm -qplv /dar/packages/allegro/allegro-4.2.1-1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm | grep liballeg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Nov 12 2010 /usr/lib64/liballeg.so.4.2 -> liballeg-4.2.1.so

It seems only the symlink is there, but not the actual library, which is
part of the allegro-devel. This is a very unusual setup, normally the
symlink is made the other way around and .so symlinks belong in the -devel

I will fix it, but this is an upstream problem IMO.

PS Could you please open an issue at http://github.com/repoforge next time ?

Thanks !
-- dag wieers, dag at wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/
-- dagit linux solutions, info at dagit.net, http://dagit.net/

[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]