Hello Rex,
Post by Rex DieterPost by leonard2013Do you have any suggestion for a repo where I can find these packages
for FC19?
"these packages" include what exactly?
Yeah, sorry for not making that clear, these dependencies came with
gstreamer-plugins-ugly. Playing mp3 soundbites presented by websites
through mpg123 is a bit of a pain.
Atrpms seems to offer what I need apart from streamripper, so I nuked
my repoforge installs - signing off again soon ;) . The streams
already got ripped so I'll have some music to listen to in the remote
areas in Cambodia where internet-connectivity or even electricity
24h/day is not a given. The streamripper build I made based on the
repoforge SRPM is still here, but currently unused.
So I answered my own question, the gstreamer related plugins for FC19
can be found at atrpms. Any suggestions for alternative repos?