Nico Kadel-Garcia
2010-03-10 12:44:19 UTC
From: "Yury V. Zaytsev" <yury at>
Subject: Re: [suggest] OpenSSH 4.8p1 or above.
To: Victor <dawormie at>
OpenSSH 5.4p1 for CentOS 5 RPMs
Apologies for the page being in Russian.
I don't see your SRPM. But I don't read Russian.Subject: Re: [suggest] OpenSSH 4.8p1 or above.
To: Victor <dawormie at>
OpenSSH 5.4p1 for CentOS 5 RPMs
Apologies for the page being in Russian.
Installing such a core security tool as a binary from an unknown
developer or vendor is probably a bad idea. There are enough changes
between 4.8 and 5.x, particularly in the support of Kerberos
authrntication, that I'd be quite cautious of an encryption software
RPM that grants login privileges, from an unknown source. Not that I'm
saying you did anything wrong or illicit, but there have been times
when even commercial providers, like RedHat, had their build machines
corrupted and potentially cracked binaries published and signed with
their GPG keys.
Do you have the SRPM where we could review it? Or did you use the
built-in .spec file?