Post by Yury V. ZaytsevPost by Karanbir SinghPost by Yury V. ZaytsevPost by Karanbir Singhthe svn commit msgs are generated on the same machine, is it possible to
have mailman only accept emails that have a local origin ? Just changing
the from: will not work since thats the bit which is being forged in the
ideas ?
Why wouldn't you simply disable posting for non-members of the list?
the spam uses email' addys of people who are subscribed to the list :)
Ah, I see, I'm sorry for misidentifying the problem. Well, then defer
anything except the autogenerated messages by (local
traffic) sounds like a good idea to me. Please please do :-)
I'd really like to watch the commits lists, but I'm already getting too
much spam for my Bayesian filter to cope with.
First i don't know much about mailman, i've just been searching in
their FAQs and docs :-)
Please have a look at (the
paragraph "How to post to the announcement list:") and maybe also
I guess we could use this for the svn-commits list: no one is allowed
to post to this list (everyone gets moderated) and we change the
hooks/ of the subversion repository so it adds this
'Approved:' header with a password. The drawbacks: the script needs to
contain the mailman password and if you want to reply to an svn commit
mail, then you'll have to forward this to the packagers list.
What do you think?
Karanbir: you think we could use such a solution on the mailman server?
kind regards,