On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 3:40 AM, Nicolas Thierry-Mieg
Post by Nicolas Thierry-MiegPost by Nico Kadel-GarciaOn Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Nicolas Thierry-Mieg
Post by John DoeFrom: Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel at gmail.com>
Post by John DoePost by John Doe1. the flash-plugin- updates wants libcurl
(while the previous version does not)...
Post by John Doe# rpm -qp -R flash-plugin- | grep
# rpm -q -R flash-plugin | grep -i curl
2. While libcurl is present, yum complains it is not...
flash-plugin- from rpmforge has depsolving
Post by John Doe--> Missing Dependency: libcurl is needed by package
flash-plugin- (rpmforge)
Post by John Doe# rpm -q --provides curl | grep -i libcurl
Is it because of the extra ".so.3"...?
I'll bet thatyou're on a 64-bit system. Try using "yum install
el5.rf.i386.rpm"., and see if it gets the necessary dependencies.
Also, it's looking for a package called "libcurl". This not the
same as " a package that provides the libcurl library". What
does "rpm -q libcurl" say?
Nico you know better than to top-post here...
In my day job, I wind up dealing with a lot of top posters. It was a
couple of lines, I hope we can survive the scars of my abusive
behavior. I can probably find you flail if you need to give me 10
Post by Nicolas Thierry-MiegThe OP is obviously trying to install with yum, and it fails. The rpm
commands he uses are to show the deps, not to install, and they are correct
and useful.
I've confirmed that the deps cannot be satisfied.
It is a packaging bug in the el5 RF repo.
OK, cool. It was *not* clear he'd ever tried installing with yum. I
can easily believe that In fact, reviewing the contents of the
Scientific Linux 5 repository at my fingertips, it's clear that RHEL
5, contains "curl", not "libcurl". The "rpm" commands run show the
contents of what *provides* curl, not the contents of a "libcurl"
package! The problem is that RHEL standards changed between RHEL 5
and RHEL 6, and more and more packages were written put the libraries
in "libpkg" rather than in "pkg" with the binaries. So yes, for RHEL
5, the dependency should be on "curl".
But our original poster's research shows tht he didn't understand the
distinction between "the RPM demands a package that provides 'curl'
having a library named 'libcurl'", and "a package that provides
something labeled as "libcurl". And there's little sign that he was
trying yum first to install the package.
Post by Nicolas Thierry-MiegThere can be many reasons tu use rhel5/C5. In any case RF has historically
supported several EL version in parallel (for as long as each version was
supported upstream if I remember well). If the new RF policy is "only
support the latest EL", it should be clearly stated.
Otherwise, the bug needs fixing. Can't help or figure out why the dep on
One thing I can see on an el6 system is that the latest rf-packaged flash
$ rpm -q flash-plugin
$ ldd /usr/lib64/flash-plugin/libflashplayer.so | grep curl
So as the OP suggested, this dep in the latest rf SPEC may well be useless.
In which case, the SRPM can be downloaded, the libcurl requirement
commented out, and a fresh RPM tested.