Post by Dag WieersPost by Dag WieersSo there you go :-) It's not that we don't want it. It's that I cannot
migrate that server from RHEL4 to RHEL5, and maybe if I could I wouldn't
have the time to do it either.
Fabian and I were going to look at doing this migration soon. There are a
couple of things that we spoke about ( maybe most of it was on irc ). I'll do
a short email on a new thread to recap exactly what the option proposed was,
and we can take it from there.
Well, I formally reject anything that is discussed on IRC. I hated it in
the CentOS project too. You cannot expect people to be on IRC and reading
back if they're not present.
Yes, and i think everybody would do that .. except that what I discussed
on IRC with Karanbir is what we *all* (i mean you, Karanbir, Dries and
me) talked about around a table during the Fosdem ...
Basically it involves just updating surya to c5, have a vm hosting a new
website for RPMforge/rpmrepo/(repoforge ?), and move the repodata back
to surya (to avoid the NFS bottleneck and reliability issue)
Just after the Fosdem i've worked with Karanbir to get back control over
the domain now hosted on surya and my Hetzner server so we
can just start directly create A records or modify the existing www
records once that VM will be there.
Post by Dag WieersSo if I read that Steve is assigned to clean up RPMforge and I haven't
heard of that before and there was no discussion about it, I wonder how
that's going to work out.
And to be honest, I think a restructuring is best done if we change other
things as well.
Which other things ? You're probably right but then we'd need a list of
things to be done and in the correct order.
If you prefer using a new domain name (instead of, i'm fine
.. and if you still accept to use, i'm fine with that too :-)
Actually (as Dries stated during the Fosdem), we're only two 'builders'
left : you on your buildsystem and me on my mac (using mock) , and
several svn committers (you, Steve , Chris and Yury iirc)
Maybe centralizing (on the wiki ?) why some specs on
are built/processed by my builder and not by yours would be fine (just
for example : i received a mail from someone wanting the pnp4nagios
package, which is in svn for quite a long time and not tagged as test,
and being available for the ppc arch, but not for i386/x86_64 .. and
without a buildlog available so that means not even processed for those
arches ...)
Fabian Arrotin
test -e /dev/human/brain || ( echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq ; echo c >
/proc/sysrq-trigger )