Michael Friedrich
2011-05-11 06:24:37 UTC
just because of getting the release into rpmforge, I've updated the spec
file shipping within the tarball to match 1.4.0 as version and latest
changes. it runs smoothly and creates all required pkg.
I'm new to rpmforge package commits, so please excuse my question on
what is especially provided (Chris Maser did it before, but now he left).
What steps would be required next - the current spec file is attached,
the source tarball can be provided / will be on sourceforge at 11:00
local vienna time (~2,5h).
DI (FH) Michael Friedrich
Vienna University Computer Center
Universitaetsstrasse 7 A-1010 Vienna, Austria
email: michael.friedrich at univie.ac.at
phone: +43 1 4277 14359
mobile: +43 664 60277 14359
fax: +43 1 4277 14338
web: http://www.univie.ac.at/zid
Icinga Core& IDOUtils Developer
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just because of getting the release into rpmforge, I've updated the spec
file shipping within the tarball to match 1.4.0 as version and latest
changes. it runs smoothly and creates all required pkg.
I'm new to rpmforge package commits, so please excuse my question on
what is especially provided (Chris Maser did it before, but now he left).
What steps would be required next - the current spec file is attached,
the source tarball can be provided / will be on sourceforge at 11:00
local vienna time (~2,5h).
DI (FH) Michael Friedrich
Vienna University Computer Center
Universitaetsstrasse 7 A-1010 Vienna, Austria
email: michael.friedrich at univie.ac.at
phone: +43 1 4277 14359
mobile: +43 664 60277 14359
fax: +43 1 4277 14338
web: http://www.univie.ac.at/zid
Icinga Core& IDOUtils Developer
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