[suggest] tesseract on rpmforge?
Matthijs Vogelenzang
2010-04-22 19:21:26 UTC
Would it be possible to add tesseract to RPMForge (more specifically on the
CentOS part, since its already on the Fedora base repo)? Here are the
relevant files: http://sites.google.com/site/alusiani/software/tesseract .

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Matthijs Vogelenzang
2010-04-22 19:21:26 UTC
Would it be possible to add tesseract to RPMForge (more specifically on the
CentOS part, since its already on the Fedora base repo)? Here are the
relevant files: http://sites.google.com/site/alusiani/software/tesseract .

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Matthijs Vogelenzang
2010-04-22 19:21:26 UTC
Would it be possible to add tesseract to RPMForge (more specifically on the
CentOS part, since its already on the Fedora base repo)? Here are the
relevant files: http://sites.google.com/site/alusiani/software/tesseract .

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Matthijs Vogelenzang
2010-04-22 19:21:26 UTC
Would it be possible to add tesseract to RPMForge (more specifically on the
CentOS part, since its already on the Fedora base repo)? Here are the
relevant files: http://sites.google.com/site/alusiani/software/tesseract .

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Matthijs Vogelenzang
2010-04-22 19:21:26 UTC
Would it be possible to add tesseract to RPMForge (more specifically on the
CentOS part, since its already on the Fedora base repo)? Here are the
relevant files: http://sites.google.com/site/alusiani/software/tesseract .

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