[suggest] Google WebM codec libvpx
Bjarne Saltbaek
2011-02-11 10:48:13 UTC
Hi RPMforge packagers.

Since Google has announced they will abandon the H264 codec and use their
own WebM codec, could it please be added to RPMforge?
http://whichbrowser.org/uncategorized/google-chrome-to-no-longer-support-h-264/ )

Project home page: http://www.webmproject.org/code/

I have attached a modified, cleaned up libvpx.spec based on the one in the
Mandriva distribution (
http://svn.mandriva.com/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/packages/cooker/libvpx/releases/0.9.5/1mdv2011.0/SPECS/ )

If libvpx will be added to RPMforge, ffmpeg v0.6.1 should be rebuild to add
support for WebM :-)

Bjarne Saltbaek

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Bjarne Saltbaek
2011-02-11 10:48:13 UTC
Hi RPMforge packagers.

Since Google has announced they will abandon the H264 codec and use their
own WebM codec, could it please be added to RPMforge?
http://whichbrowser.org/uncategorized/google-chrome-to-no-longer-support-h-264/ )

Project home page: http://www.webmproject.org/code/

I have attached a modified, cleaned up libvpx.spec based on the one in the
Mandriva distribution (
http://svn.mandriva.com/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/packages/cooker/libvpx/releases/0.9.5/1mdv2011.0/SPECS/ )

If libvpx will be added to RPMforge, ffmpeg v0.6.1 should be rebuild to add
support for WebM :-)

Bjarne Saltbaek

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Bjarne Saltbaek
2011-02-11 10:48:13 UTC
Hi RPMforge packagers.

Since Google has announced they will abandon the H264 codec and use their
own WebM codec, could it please be added to RPMforge?
http://whichbrowser.org/uncategorized/google-chrome-to-no-longer-support-h-264/ )

Project home page: http://www.webmproject.org/code/

I have attached a modified, cleaned up libvpx.spec based on the one in the
Mandriva distribution (
http://svn.mandriva.com/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/packages/cooker/libvpx/releases/0.9.5/1mdv2011.0/SPECS/ )

If libvpx will be added to RPMforge, ffmpeg v0.6.1 should be rebuild to add
support for WebM :-)

Bjarne Saltbaek

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Bjarne Saltbaek
2011-02-11 10:48:13 UTC
Hi RPMforge packagers.

Since Google has announced they will abandon the H264 codec and use their
own WebM codec, could it please be added to RPMforge?
http://whichbrowser.org/uncategorized/google-chrome-to-no-longer-support-h-264/ )

Project home page: http://www.webmproject.org/code/

I have attached a modified, cleaned up libvpx.spec based on the one in the
Mandriva distribution (
http://svn.mandriva.com/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/packages/cooker/libvpx/releases/0.9.5/1mdv2011.0/SPECS/ )

If libvpx will be added to RPMforge, ffmpeg v0.6.1 should be rebuild to add
support for WebM :-)

Bjarne Saltbaek

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Bjarne Saltbaek
2011-02-11 10:48:13 UTC
Hi RPMforge packagers.

Since Google has announced they will abandon the H264 codec and use their
own WebM codec, could it please be added to RPMforge?
http://whichbrowser.org/uncategorized/google-chrome-to-no-longer-support-h-264/ )

Project home page: http://www.webmproject.org/code/

I have attached a modified, cleaned up libvpx.spec based on the one in the
Mandriva distribution (
http://svn.mandriva.com/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/packages/cooker/libvpx/releases/0.9.5/1mdv2011.0/SPECS/ )

If libvpx will be added to RPMforge, ffmpeg v0.6.1 should be rebuild to add
support for WebM :-)

Bjarne Saltbaek

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