2014-09-05 16:04:17 UTC
I'm using x86_64. Firefox and flash-plugin etc. are x86_64 but I still had to install gstreamer-ffmpeg.i686 from i686 to get video/audio streaming working properly.
Could you please include gstreamer-ffmpeg.i686 in the x86_64 repository? Thanks.
Could you please include gstreamer-ffmpeg.i686 in the x86_64 repository? Thanks.
Wippies-vallankumous on t??ll?! Varmista paikkasi vallankumouksen eturintamassa ja liity Wippiesiin heti!
Wippies-vallankumous on t??ll?! Varmista paikkasi vallankumouksen eturintamassa ja liity Wippiesiin heti!