[suggest] livehttp module into VLC 1.1.5
Bjarne Saltbæk
2010-12-09 09:58:16 UTC
Could the livehttp iPhone streaming module be added to VLC 1.1.5?
( http://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:Streaming_HowTo/Streaming_for_the_iPhone )
( http://techblog.unwiredappeal.com/2010/03/vlc-http-live-streaming-module-patch.html )

It is in git for 1.2.x tree but for some reason not in 1.1.x tree.

I have reverse patched it for 1.1.5 ? see attached patches.

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Bjarne Saltbæk
2010-12-09 09:58:16 UTC
Could the livehttp iPhone streaming module be added to VLC 1.1.5?
( http://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:Streaming_HowTo/Streaming_for_the_iPhone )
( http://techblog.unwiredappeal.com/2010/03/vlc-http-live-streaming-module-patch.html )

It is in git for 1.2.x tree but for some reason not in 1.1.x tree.

I have reverse patched it for 1.1.5 ? see attached patches.

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Bjarne Saltbæk
2010-12-09 09:58:16 UTC
Could the livehttp iPhone streaming module be added to VLC 1.1.5?
( http://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:Streaming_HowTo/Streaming_for_the_iPhone )
( http://techblog.unwiredappeal.com/2010/03/vlc-http-live-streaming-module-patch.html )

It is in git for 1.2.x tree but for some reason not in 1.1.x tree.

I have reverse patched it for 1.1.5 ? see attached patches.

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Bjarne Saltbæk
2010-12-09 09:58:16 UTC
Could the livehttp iPhone streaming module be added to VLC 1.1.5?
( http://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:Streaming_HowTo/Streaming_for_the_iPhone )
( http://techblog.unwiredappeal.com/2010/03/vlc-http-live-streaming-module-patch.html )

It is in git for 1.2.x tree but for some reason not in 1.1.x tree.

I have reverse patched it for 1.1.5 ? see attached patches.

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Bjarne Saltbæk
2010-12-09 09:58:16 UTC
Could the livehttp iPhone streaming module be added to VLC 1.1.5?
( http://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:Streaming_HowTo/Streaming_for_the_iPhone )
( http://techblog.unwiredappeal.com/2010/03/vlc-http-live-streaming-module-patch.html )

It is in git for 1.2.x tree but for some reason not in 1.1.x tree.

I have reverse patched it for 1.1.5 ? see attached patches.

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