[suggest] Plone3 spec
Nikolay Kim
2010-09-24 19:10:19 UTC
Hello all,

I'd like to submit spec for plone cms, but i didn't get any reply for
previous emails. i'm willing to support this package in long term.
is it possible to get any response?

Nikolay Kim, Enfold Systems
Office | +1 (713) 942 2377 x151 Ext
Fax | +1 832 201 8856
Skype | fafhrd91
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Nikolay Kim
2010-09-24 19:10:19 UTC
Hello all,

I'd like to submit spec for plone cms, but i didn't get any reply for
previous emails. i'm willing to support this package in long term.
is it possible to get any response?

Nikolay Kim, Enfold Systems
Office | +1 (713) 942 2377 x151 Ext
Fax | +1 832 201 8856
Skype | fafhrd91
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Nikolay Kim
2010-09-24 19:10:19 UTC
Hello all,

I'd like to submit spec for plone cms, but i didn't get any reply for
previous emails. i'm willing to support this package in long term.
is it possible to get any response?

Nikolay Kim, Enfold Systems
Office | +1 (713) 942 2377 x151 Ext
Fax | +1 832 201 8856
Skype | fafhrd91
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Nikolay Kim
2010-09-24 19:10:19 UTC
Hello all,

I'd like to submit spec for plone cms, but i didn't get any reply for
previous emails. i'm willing to support this package in long term.
is it possible to get any response?

Nikolay Kim, Enfold Systems
Office | +1 (713) 942 2377 x151 Ext
Fax | +1 832 201 8856
Skype | fafhrd91
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Nikolay Kim
2010-09-24 19:10:19 UTC
Hello all,

I'd like to submit spec for plone cms, but i didn't get any reply for
previous emails. i'm willing to support this package in long term.
is it possible to get any response?

Nikolay Kim, Enfold Systems
Office | +1 (713) 942 2377 x151 Ext
Fax | +1 832 201 8856
Skype | fafhrd91
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