Bart Schaefer
2011-04-24 16:42:16 UTC
This list and Dag's list does not echo back to the sender.
They do if you use another client. ?Gmail has this feature whicheveryone considers a bug, where what you send to a mailing list will not
show up to you until there is a reply.
different feature, which is that gmail does automatic suppression of
duplicate messages. Their algorithm for this is a bit of a black box
but it seems to be a heuristic based both on the Message-Id header and
the message contents. Messages which have the same ID or are
"sufficiently similar" are treated as identical and you only get to
see the one that arrived first.
Because gmail throws your sent mail into the same giant bucket as
everything else, distinguished only by having been labeled "sent",
when the copy returned by the mailing list arrives your original is
always "the one that arrived first" and the mailing list copy gets
To fix this "bug" would require a fairly fundamental change in the way
gmail stores and processes sent mail and duplicate messages, which is
probably why nothing has been done about it.